Tag Archives: workoutschedule

What Is The Best Time Of Day To Workout?

People ask me this question a lot and it’s a good one. If they are going to expend all of that energy on a workout then they want optimal results. It makes sense. My answer to this is always, what time of day works best for you? When is the most practical time to fit it in and what feels best for your body?

Preferably the best time would be morning before you get busy and other things and people demand your time and engagement. It is a busy life and it’s hard to fit it all in. That being said, we aren’t all the same. We’re all individuals with different schedules and preferences and above all, different bodies. There are tons of articles on this topic but it all comes down to what works best for you.

Sometimes it’s easier to fit a run in after work when it’s lighter out and maybe you need to unwind after a long day. Me time!! Other people like to wake up and get it done! Many people with arthritis or joint concerns will probably feel better moving later in the day when their bodies have moved around for awhile. New moms and dads fit it in whenever they can (infants require a lot of flexibility).

Whatever your preference, try to fit it in everyday! And remember, you’ve moved for an hour to do resistance training or some cardio but it doesn’t stop there! Try to move your body frequently and with variety throughout your entire day. Enjoy!