Category Archives: Fitness Tips

Sleep, Eat and Move

That’s right, in that order! Trust me, I’d love to say that exercise is first. Rest is indeed the most important. Without rest, it is so easy to lose sight of our goals. When we are tired we tend to make unhealthy food choices and we don’t always have the energy we need to fit our workouts in. We just want to make it through the day.

Sleeping is also the time that your body repairs itself. There are tons of studies and info on the functions your body and brain undertake to maintain your health and clarity during slumber.

All this to say, try to get your 8 hours of shut-eye every night. Also, remember a cat nap never hurt anyone. Eating nutritiously and working out will be much easier if you feel rested and ready to greet the day.

What Is The Best Time Of Day To Workout?

People ask me this question a lot and it’s a good one. If they are going to expend all of that energy on a workout then they want optimal results. It makes sense. My answer to this is always, what time of day works best for you? When is the most practical time to fit it in and what feels best for your body?

Preferably the best time would be morning before you get busy and other things and people demand your time and engagement. It is a busy life and it’s hard to fit it all in. That being said, we aren’t all the same. We’re all individuals with different schedules and preferences and above all, different bodies. There are tons of articles on this topic but it all comes down to what works best for you.

Sometimes it’s easier to fit a run in after work when it’s lighter out and maybe you need to unwind after a long day. Me time!! Other people like to wake up and get it done! Many people with arthritis or joint concerns will probably feel better moving later in the day when their bodies have moved around for awhile. New moms and dads fit it in whenever they can (infants require a lot of flexibility).

Whatever your preference, try to fit it in everyday! And remember, you’ve moved for an hour to do resistance training or some cardio but it doesn’t stop there! Try to move your body frequently and with variety throughout your entire day. Enjoy!

Love Yourself Along The Way

Whatever your goal, try to enjoy the process. Our bodies are absolutely amazing!! They are capable of overcoming years of sedentary activity, stress, lack of sleep and proper rest, unhealthy foods, illness and injuries. Measurable goals are needed but sometimes we don’t notice or appreciate what our bodies are doing for us along the way. Yes, we’re still getting up early to train for that race. Yes, we’re still working hard to lose that last bit of weight but how much better are we now than where we started from? How much stronger, leaner, more confident and much more capable are we? Sometimes all we can see are our perceived shortcomings or “flaws”. Our bodies do some incredible things for us…let’s show them some LOVE!

Challenge Your Balance

Walking is a balancing act. As you lift one leg up to step forward, you find yourself balancing on the other. We all know we should stand on one leg and lift the other to practice our balance but lets make it a little more challenging and functional. Can you walk a straight line quickly? Can you look side to side and over your shoulder as you walk? How is your balance with your eyes closed? Important to practice since we get up the middle of the night to got to the bathroom. We need to be able to navigate our environment and all of its variables. Maybe there is water on the floor, or children’s toys (stray pieces of Lego…the worst). Maybe you need to jump up on a curb to avoid traffic. Maybe you just want to move with confidence and grace. Including balance training in your daily workouts will help you with all of this. Make it challenging and keep it fun!

Pause And Relax A Little

“Relaxation is the absence of unnecessary effort” Chi Running. I’ve been talking to clients about this a lot lately. We all tend to perform daily functions as well as exercises with way too much effort….white knuckling everything. We lift a dumbbell up and we squeeze it too tight. We sit working and realize that our shoulders are up to our ears and our head is sticking too far forwarded and we have a death grip on our pen. We walk and don’t allow our hips to move naturally. Since life can be pretty demanding, let’s not put so much unneeded effort into small daily movements. It’s not efficient and all of those overworked muscles and joints feel pretty tired and sore at the end of the day. Try a quick pause throughout your daily activities and take notice of how you are performing certain tasks. Is your body as relaxed as possible or are you tensed in places you don’t need to be? Are your shoulders down away from your ears? Is your jaw clenched? Pause and relax it all.

Get Less Comfortable

We all make ourselves too comfortable in our chairs and cosy coaches. Our bodies get so comfy, they fall asleep on us. Wake them up and join your dog on the floor! It’s not quite as comfortable and that’s a good thing! We change positions and open up our hips and wake up our hamstrings. Our bodies get used to being on hard, firm surfaces. Vary your movement. Try reading, watching TV or meditating for 15 or 20 minutes on the flooring gradually increasing your mobility. It gets easier as you go!

10000 StepsNine Steps For a Healthy Weight


1. Move your body…… Often and daily. Make it count!  If you go for a  walk, make it a brisk one.  We all need cardiovascular and resistance exercise as well as flexibility and balance training.  As we age, we have to combat the loss of muscle, flexibility and balance. If you don’t use it, you will most definitely lose it.  Most of us have sedentary jobs, try to combat that by getting your 10,000 steps/day in.

2.  A healthy diet, sleep and then exercise……..In that order.  Although it pains me to put exercise last on the list, without keeping your diet in check, your workouts may not produce the results you’d like.  Exercise is vital to losing weight but what you eat matters even more than how much you move. Without the proper amount of sleep, you’re more likely to grab a coffee and sugary snack to make it through the day.  Sleep deprivation also causes your body to produce more of the Ghrelin hormone (the hormone that tells you when to eat). To make matters worse, less Leptin hormone is produced (the hormone that signals your body when to stop eating).  Thus, the perfect storm for weight gain.

3.  Stay away from processed foods and artificial sweeteners…..  If you need a Chemist’s lab to make it at home or you can’t grow it in a garden or pasture, don’t eat it! stawberries

4.  Portion control is key to weight loss, be mindful when you eat….Eat slowly and chew your food to aid in digestion. Appreciate what you have on your plate instead of wanting more. Quality over quantity………this would be a good rule to follow in all aspects of life!

5.  “No Fat” is just making us fat….  Include healthy fats such as nuts, avocado and olive oil in your diet. Our brains and bodies need fat to function well.  Ignore the low fat yogurt and buy the real thing.  It’s better to eat less of something and enjoy the full flavour and taste rather than eating a huge bowl of something and feeling like you’re still not satisfied.  Indeed, less is more.

6.  Eat a wide variety of foods….This will ensure that you are getting the nutrients and fuel that your body needs.

7.  When snacking choose nutrient dense foods……Have protein as a snack. Protein is satiating and it assists your body in building muscle.  More muscle = a faster, more efficient metabolism.  Next time you want to snack between meals, grab a boiled egg,  veggies and hummus, a tablespoon of nut butter and an apple or some yogurt!

8.  Let go of feelings of deprivation…..Know that the piece of cake or glass of wine will always be there, you are just choosing not to have it now.  You’re taking the long term goals over instant gratification.  You’re choosing your health over cookies….. at least 80% of the time.

9.  Stay hydrated……We often think we are hungry when it’s actually thirst we’re feeling.  Try to choose foods with a high water content.

Shopping Is Not Exercise

BeWhen your trainer asks you if you did any exercise over the weekend, never answer with “I went shopping”.  The mall is not a fitness centre.  Unless you spent a considerable amount of time on the treadmill in Sears, the answer is no.

Kidding aside, active living is very important in our daily lives.  Cleaning the house, taking the stairs and parking at the furthest end of the lot, is absolutely necessary in our sedentary lives. We need to balance all of the sitting with some movement.  Go out for a walk on your lunch, do some squats or climb some stairs on your break and get up and stretch throughout the day.  Keep it moving and keep it working.

Cardiovascular exercise is quite a different thing.  Activities such as power walking, running, cycling, swimming, elliptical and  stair climbing all require a bit of sweat, effort, and skill.  The endurance, strength and intensity involved in these activities will strengthen your heart and lungs. They can also improve your  balance, proprioception and joint mobility.  When you walk for exercise it should be brisk.  You should be able to talk, but you may prefer not to.  It is recommended that you do  3 – 5 sessions of aerobic activity per week.  If you only have 20 minutes, crank up the intensity (always consult your Doctor first, of course).  If you have more time, high to moderate intensity will give you a good workout.  Also, make sure to add some resistance and flexibility training to your routine as well.

This being said, sometimes there is nothing better than a slow, thoughtful hike on a nature trail.  We all need that for peace of mind. Everything has it’s place.  It always comes back to finding balance and giving your mind, body and soul what it needs, when it needs it.



The Benefits of Cross Training

Cross Training combines different modes of training and exercises, avoiding adherence to just one modality that repeatedly works the same muscle groups.  Adding other modes of training to supplement your preferred activity will ensure that you work your opposing muscle groups to avoid injury. For example, a runner may want to incorporate cycling, elliptical, core training or swimming into their routine.  These are all low impact forms of exercise that will enhance running performance.  By doing other activities, you will be calling on muscle groups that may not be as engaged in your primary activity. Overuse injuries are extremely common in someone who does the same type of workout day in, day out.  Add something new at least one day per week and avoid the repetitive stress on your body.

A Few More Reasons To Cross Train

Weight Loss:  Staying locked into the same routine month after month won’t stimulate and challenge your body.  Without change in your routine, your body will adapt and eventually hit a plateau.  To keep your body responding, challenge it by adding different modes of training and you will continue to see change.

Exercise Adherence:  Add a secondary activity to keep yourself motivated and engaged.  The more creative you are with your workouts, the more likely you will be to stick with it.

Enhanced Performance:  Cross training can enhance your performance in your chosen sport.  If you want to be a better endurance runner, do core training, stair climbing and cycling. This will  engage other muscle groups not primarily used when running and stimulate different patterns of recruitment.

Brain Health:  Adding variety to your routine and trying new activities will keep your brain engaged. The brain’s neuroplasticity will improve as it processes each new activity, creating new neural pathways. Here is the mind-body connection at work again!

Happy Training!

The Importance of Balance and Proprioception Training

Balance and proprioception are important components to any fitness program. Of course, Athletes train for agility, proprioception and balance to enhance their performance and prevent injury but we should all incorporate it into our routines.  Balance training allows us to move our bodies more gracefully.  Not only does it help prevent sprains and falls but it gives us confidence as we move throughout our day.


It also improves our neuromuscular communication by improving our proprioception (where our bodies are in space).  Proprioceptors are found throughout our bodies in the nerve endings of our muscles, tendons and joints as well as in our inner ear.  They detect and relay information regarding our movements and positions. When we move, they sense changes in our surroundings and help us adjust our bodies using our balance and agility. We are able to jump up onto a curb quickly when running to stabilize ourselves. If we hit a patch of ice while walking we are more able to prevent a fall.  We can quickly adjust our centre of gravity to our movements.  These receptors also create stretch reflexes in our bodies to protect us when there is too much force or stretch on a tendon, thus preventing injury.

Try yoga or Tai Chi to improve balance and proprioception.  Do your weight training on a stability ball or BOSU  instead of a bench.  Try standing on one leg to do your bicep curls.  Do a one leg, bent over row. Train your core for a strong back and abdominals to enhance your balance and agility. Doing new activities will help your body create new patterns of movement memory. Try a dance or Zoomba class or a new sport like soccer or tennis.  Challenge your brain as well as your body!


Our balance declines with age, making us more cautious and unsure of ourselves in day to day movements.  This can be avoided with just a bit of practice.  Here are just a couple of beginner exercises.

If your balance is challenged, try standing beside a chair with one hand hovering above the back of the chair, just in case you need to stabilize yourself.   Standing tall with postural awareness, lift your right foot off the floor, and hold this as long as you can. Try the left side now.  To advance this movement, lift your leg and then close your eyes.

Walk heel to toe. Step forward with your right foot and then bring your left foot forward and place your heel against the toes of your right foot. Continue to walk taking small steps forward, touching your heels to your toes as you go.  If your balance is very challenged leave a space between the toe and the heel, not quite touching, for a wider base of support.  Also, do this by a wall, allowing you to reach out to catch yourself if you are tippy.